Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Danneel at Jefferson | 2 bed, 1 bath

Danneel (at Jefferson... I didn't write down the number)

$1500. No idea about deposit, but I'll guess it's 1 month's rent.

yes (hookups)

Central Air

Holy crap. This place is big and beautiful. We would have more room than we'd know what to do with (certainly more than our current furniture situation could handle. My only concern about the size of it is the heating and cooling bills we'd be faced with. I'll call Entergy tomorrow and see if I can get some rough numbers from the previous tenants. There are also a ton of windows (with nice views). This thing is full of natural lighting.

Living Room
Deciding which room is which hasn't been really been set, but if we take the room that I presume to be the living room, you'll see that it is massive, complete with a small space in the round area beneath the turret. Plenty of room (which is fine because it might have to house my armoire and shelving units).

Remarkably small considering the size of the rest of place. Doesn't currently have a stove/oven, but a gas unit is supposed to be installed soon.

The stove/oven will be on the left wall in this pic

There are hookups in the kitchen. The closet that would hold them has space for a stackable unit; however, since we'll be working with the side-by-side model, we'll have to put the dryer outside of the closet, next to the counter. Which should work fine, though.

Remarkably, there is only one, but it's nice and looks new.

Bedroom (probably Lee's)
It's tiny. But it'll work. I briefly considered petitioning you to let me use the living room as my bedroom (giving you the master bedroom and the dining room to spread around in, with the sun-room between us), but then I wasn't sure what we'd use this space for. It has closets which I would need... anyway, that would end up being way too much space for me. I would probably need to spill over into part of the living room, but I think this'll work fine.

Bedroom (probably Mike's)
This is clearly the master bedroom. It's huge, has two closets (neither of which is huge). and connects directly to the sun-room. The sun-room has a lot of potential to be a "studio"; however, I don't know if the unit cools it. It was sufficiently hotter in there than the rest of the place. I could be mistaken, though. Never fear. If the sun-room ends up being too hot, then there's always the dining room for Mike Illustator, Inc.

And the sun-room...

Dining Room
It's probably the best option for the "studio" space. It's very large (bigger than my bedroom in fact) and connects directly to your room and the kitchen.

Back yard
Huge. I'm not sure if we have to share it with the other 2 sets of tenants that share the property, but it sure is nice.

There is off street parking, but it's a 200 foot driveway. We'd have to coordinate parking with the other tenants. There's always streetside parking as well (plus, the roads are really nice since Newman is across the street).

Excellent. It should be noted that almost all of these photos belie the space: it's much bigger than it appears. And I didn't even get a photo of the vestibule downstairs (when you enter) or the hallway connecting all of the rooms (which is in an open space overlooking the staircase up from the front door). The only knock on this place is the cost (which isn't too bad, but is exacerbated by the fact that I'd be breaking lease for 2 months). We'd probably be out 700 a piece just get this place, but it might be worth it. I'll see what kind of juju I can work on the realtor.


I like. I want. I just don't know if it's worth it.


504.891.0623 and 504.891.0923 (Eleanor, Andrea, and Joy[ce])

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Friday, June 20, 2008

934 Webster | 2 bed, 2 bath

934 Webster (at Chestnut St.)

$1500. 1 month's rent for deposit.

yes (but it's shared with the other 3 units)

Central Air

The exterior of the house leaves much to be desired. It looks kind of ratty and unkempt. Remarkably though, the interior is quite nice (and spacious. In terms of overall space, this would be more than adequate for our needs. One nice caveat is that there's a gate at the pathway leading to our door than can be locked (and then unlocked for guests with a buzzer). It won't be ready for occupancy until July 15, so that gives us a few options. He also told me that he was renovating the upstairs unit (he seemed really into it) and said that one would be available by the first of August.

Living Room
There are 2 of them. One is in the same space as the kitchen (could be used as dining) and the other is a separate room. My thought on the space would be to give you the front room and bathroom and then let you use the second living room as a studio type space. I would then take the back room and bathroom. Just a thought. Oh, and both have a closet.

Connected to Kitchen

Leads to Front Bedroom

Not terribly large, but certainly nice (and adequate). There's a bar that separates it from one of the living rooms.

View from the other side of the bar

On the property, but not in the unit.

2 of them. One in the front, one in the back. All of our guests will have to walk through out rooms to get to either, but that doesn't really bother me. (I only took photos of the front bedroom and bathroom as the back ones were full of boxes... they're virtually the same.)

Both are fairly large with closets and connecting restrooms. Nothing else to report.


All that crap in there is from the couple who are moving out. Again, the space is more than sufficient. It's about a 10 minute walk to my work (which is fine), so that fits my needs. I wasn't wowed by it, but I did like it, especially considering it's exterior. Guess it's kind of like my place now: nice neighborhood, crap exterior, nice inside.


I'm game. It's in a good area and fits our needs. It's a bit pricier than we want, but I was thinking that if you took one of the living rooms, we could do an 800/700 split. Plus, you might be able to write that expense off (but you should ask an accountant and not me that question). I'm also not opposed to finishing my lease and trying to get my hands on the unit he's renovating. Actually, I like that solution a lot. If we went that course, I imagine that the space would be laid out the same, but the interior would be nicer. We'll talk. Oh, and the landlord is awesome. Nice older gentlemen who doesn't believe in applications. He said he's never had a bad tenet and he just goes on his impressions of people. Apparently he liked me. He said just call if we want it (although I think other people were looking at it too).


504.508.6800 (Michael)

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

634 Nashville | 2 bed, 1 bath

634 Nashville (just past Constance St.)

$1200. I forgot to ask about the deposit situation.


Central Air

The apartment is actually an old two story garage that was renovated by the people who bought the house on the adjacent property. The whole free-standing unit would be ours. There are three entrances: 1 on the side (main), 1 in the back, and 1 on the second floor balcony (accessible by outdoor stairs). The latter actually leads to a bedroom.

The guy who built it used a lot of poured concrete (which makes up every floor in the house). As such, there is a sort of accidental modernism that happens with this place that I find very interesting and quirky. It is by far the coolest place I've visited thus far.

Living Room
The living room used to be the garage. It has been closed in and features a series of windows on the street side that are holdovers (or inspiration) from an actual garage door... I think. It is quite large and features 2 small closets.

Spacious, though there is a lack of storage space built in. There is a really cool bar/breakfast table with two high stools. There may also be some opportunity here for a baker's rack or some sort of hook system by which to hang pots. Oh, and that fridge in the corner will be changed out for a full sized unit.

In the kitchen with cabinets above.

Upstairs, between the 2 bedrooms. Features teal tile. GO HORNETS!

Both bedrooms have concrete floors (which is fine with me), but only one has an actual closet (the other has some built in shelves, but that's it). Both are also fairly spacious -- about the size of my current room. The front one (the one without a closet) actually has a door that opens to the front yard (it's the door you can see in the first image that leads to the balcony).



Back Patio
Small, but it exists. Possibly could plant a lemon tree or some herbs (legal). Easily fit crawfish boiling paraphernalia.

There appears to be one space (sort of), but maybe not. It's an odd case of there used to be a driveway here but we got rid of it up to the sidewalk type of thing. So, possibly. But possibly not.

The house is cool. It's lacking storage space afforded by other places, but I think that's ok for us. The one thing that really is missing is any extra space that might be deemed studio worthy. It is on a beautiful street with beautiful homes (I mean, we'd be renting a garage for $1200) and it's ridica-close to Whole Foods, Reginelli's, my work, Tacquiera Corona, a bank, multiple coffee shops, a post office, a hardware store, and an art supply store. We could walk to all of those places within 10 minutes. We'd also have a nice landlord who lives next door (young couple, about my parent's' age, with kids).


Please, oh please can we get it?


504.388.6506 (Randy & Maria)

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5517 Loyola | 2 bed, 2 bath

5517 Loyola (just past Octavia St.)

$1350. 1 month's rent deposit.


Central Air

Despite looking like a set for Miami Vice, this place is really old. The 65 year-old man who gave the tour was born in it and apparently his grandmother built it. The bottom line with this place is it is huge. Tons of space. We could never fill it. It does smell a tad like an old-folks home and all of the fixtures are at least half a century old. There not a ton of natural light in the place, which kind of sucks, but I think better window dressings could help that.

Living Room
Enormous. Half of it could be living, half could be studio. Hell, we could put a pool table in the damn thing and still have room to spare. The floor is beautiful inlaid wood, and there's a handful of closets between the front door and the start of the room. This particular room suffers the most from poor lighting.

Less spacious, but tons of counter and storage space.

In the kitchen (sort of), close to the back door.

There are 2. The first is right in front of you as you leave the living room and head for the hallway, the other is connected to a bedroom. Strangely, it is not connected to the master bedroom.

Both bedrooms are spacious. The master bedroom (which would probably end up being mine) is a little larger and features a walk in closet about the size of my current kitchen (if you didn't include the hallway).

Master Bedroom

Master Closet

The other room is slightly smaller and features less closet space; however, it does have a bathroom connected to it and a small study connected to it (studio?). This is a particularly good setup because you get your own private studio and I don't have to put up with your bathroom noises/smells/etc.


Connecting Bath

Connecting Study

Back Patio
Small. Features a lemon tree (that's some 40 years old) and a small outdoor storage space (for stuff that is weather treated).

One spot off-road (where the caddy is parked in the first photo). Would probably be for me since the area has more drainage issues (closer to the lake) and your Jeep is eight feet off the ground.

We'd have neighbors upstairs (a couple in their late 50s) and we might turn into vampires due to lack of sunlight, but all in all this place is pretty good. Though it is across the street from the Newman School (GO ELI!), it isn't close to any restaurants, groceries, or other things. We'd have an extremely nice landlord and I'd could still walk to work, but it isn't the best case scenario. Just a really good one.

A good option, but not my favorite. Unless you really want it, I say we go Nashville or wait to see what else pops up.


504.522.0924 (I forgot his name, but this number is for his office)

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4617 Camp | 2 bed, 1 bath

4617 Camp (at Cadiz St.)

$1000. 1 month's rent for deposit.


Central Air

This is a small quaint unit. It's half of a double shotgun. Remarkably, I know the landlord (went to school with his brother); however, he does live next door, so we'd be sharing a wall with him the length of the house. He's a nice guy (lawyer, late 20s), but I don't know if this will make for noise issues.

Living Room
The living room is nice. It's carpeted, but amply large enough.

Last room in the house. Fairly spacious, but not as much counter or storage as you'd expect.

There is an odd wall mounted shelf thing that I think is supposed to go above a table and chairs... but I'm not sure.

In the kitchen, stacked unit.

It's a bathroom. That is all.

Here's the big drawback to this place: both bedrooms are walk-throughs. The layout (from when you walk in the door) is living room, bedroom, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen. Bleh. I don't care for that so much. Even rearranging won't fix it because of where the kitchen is (and the living room doesn't have a closet). Both rooms are spacious with a closet and storage above said closet. Both rooms are also carpeted. They both look the same, so you only get one pic.

Back yard
This is the big selling point on this house. It's huge. It's shared with the neighbor, but he said we could use it. On the off chance that we get this place, I am investing in a set of horseshoes and badminton.


Overall, not ideal. Location is fine (but not spectacular) and the neighborhood seems safe. There is a small concern over lack of storage, but the bigger issue with that is that there isn't really a studio space/niche.


Unless you feel really compelled, I vote no.


337.344.0476 (Harry Barton)

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